holy mother of mary that was impressive
nice work, i truly thought it was amazing. one thing is the audio but i know you know you have a problem so by next episode (i am hoping there is a next episode) it will be fixed, nice work
awesome job guys
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holy mother of mary that was impressive
nice work, i truly thought it was amazing. one thing is the audio but i know you know you have a problem so by next episode (i am hoping there is a next episode) it will be fixed, nice work
awesome job guys
I liked it.
It was pertty good, and the voice acting was excellent. The style has been done before, but you pulled it off nicely.
I don't get what you guys don't understand..
If it's not your cream of comedy don't blame it, this is for a CONTEST, he had a limit choice of things to use, he had to create an animation OVER the sound.. Great Job.
Hizzah, good sir.
not a bad base for a game.
I like the concept but it could use a background and some music. Also the menu could use a redo, but not bad for a simple collision detection game.
Pretty good for a demo..
I didn't expect much from the file size.. but it was actually an okay demo. It reminded me allot of crazy shuttle, with the way the car bobs up and down, and how it accelerates.. but it guess those things can be similar.
oooh crazy shuttle... the good old days... Hmm you're right, now that I play it again it does seem a bit like that.
Pretty good..
I got 100% on the Aqua Tenn Hunger Force quiz before, but this was a little more tricky. I can find only one flaw in the quizes.. if you could script a way so that instead of bringing you back to the begining, just go back to that last question. That way, you wouldn't have to do the whole quiz over again.
I guess I could, but it would seem too easy. I don't know, a lot of people seem to dislike it so I guess I will next time.
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Age 38, Male
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Manitoba, Canada
Joined on 8/15/02