I don't get what you guys don't understand..
If it's not your cream of comedy don't blame it, this is for a CONTEST, he had a limit choice of things to use, he had to create an animation OVER the sound.. Great Job.
I don't get what you guys don't understand..
If it's not your cream of comedy don't blame it, this is for a CONTEST, he had a limit choice of things to use, he had to create an animation OVER the sound.. Great Job.
Hizzah, good sir.
Sooo true.
Damn politics, doing anything to get elected, or re-elected. Awesome movie, I'd like to see more, it's like the Farinheight of flash.
Thank you for your review.
Maybe I should re-edit all of my movies and do a massive Bush Bash a couple of days before the election. Maybe!
Sadly.. this is better then most of the flash
submitted to the portal these days. The animation was frame by frame, that's why it was such a small file size. Pretty good for a new person to flash.. could use allot of polishing though
Thank you !
*starts pollishing ;)
So.. it's a rip off of neopets.
Right down to the world, and games, and everything, quite un-original. The flash was good, but Zetapets, comon. You have more imagination then that.
I need to put on the the comments, 'This is not my site'. lol. I'm not even with the site at all, just a member who got really bored.
Actually.. I liked it!
Surprisingly, because really the only Stick Animation movies I liked were XiaoXiao, this one is actually a keeper!
Crunk! Thanks alot man.
New style.. I like it..
Most people are so un-original now, so it's nice to see some fresh material come out.. I liked it, made me laugh pretty hard.. and rapist guy is pretty nasty though.. *barf*
haha, thanks man
Could use some thing..
It was alright for animation and smoothness.. but there are soo many movies like this coming out that someone has to be more orginal and step it up a noch.. or should i say -knox-.. *pun intended*
I spit on Knox's grave....... He's not dead?... Humph... Well... someone's not getting paid.
Awesome! I love CS..
great job here man.. the pick with Hilter saying he didn't kill himself.. was AWESOME. Pretty good use of everything.. good job
heh, thx, but keep in mind this is just the introduction and the animated movie will be out christmas
thx for reply
One word... WOW
I've never surprised to see clocks prevail at such a high rate.. ever clock movie i see ( mostly) amazes me in every instinct.. the clocks take flash far beyond the bar.. REALLY good job.. i love the animations.. and the push bot.. i laughed hard at that one.. :)
i figured nobody would catch that... or at least mention it. Thanks!
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Age 38, Male
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