holy mother of mary that was impressive
nice work, i truly thought it was amazing. one thing is the audio but i know you know you have a problem so by next episode (i am hoping there is a next episode) it will be fixed, nice work
awesome job guys
holy mother of mary that was impressive
nice work, i truly thought it was amazing. one thing is the audio but i know you know you have a problem so by next episode (i am hoping there is a next episode) it will be fixed, nice work
awesome job guys
I liked it.
It was pertty good, and the voice acting was excellent. The style has been done before, but you pulled it off nicely.
I don't get what you guys don't understand..
If it's not your cream of comedy don't blame it, this is for a CONTEST, he had a limit choice of things to use, he had to create an animation OVER the sound.. Great Job.
Hizzah, good sir.
Nice job I really liked it..
The only thing is on the sound get an editing program so you can take out the mouse click lol.
Sooo true.
Damn politics, doing anything to get elected, or re-elected. Awesome movie, I'd like to see more, it's like the Farinheight of flash.
Thank you for your review.
Maybe I should re-edit all of my movies and do a massive Bush Bash a couple of days before the election. Maybe!
Sadly.. this is better then most of the flash
submitted to the portal these days. The animation was frame by frame, that's why it was such a small file size. Pretty good for a new person to flash.. could use allot of polishing though
Thank you !
*starts pollishing ;)
Actually pretty good..
For something without a plot or anything, the animation was smooth, the camera angles were good, almost had a old transformers feel to it.
Could use some artistic touch ups, and a story behind it though..
Very good.
I have no idea how it got deleted, unless someone voted 0 on it allot after it made it through the portal. Anways, it was very good, I could of been more comedic a parts, ( i have some ideas if you want some )
~Vote = 4~
~-=ArcshinE=-~ What your shadow is when your not looking... http://www.diztorted-reality.tk
Age 38, Male
Owner of -=DR=-
Manitoba, Canada
Joined on 8/15/02